You are hereTwo notes, My car

Two notes, My car

Two notes came together with DO one day

One of them asked, what shall we all play?

"There aren't enough of us" says RE,

"We need someone else like MI today!

If there were more of us with FA

Perhaps add SOL and meet up with LA"

And in that moment along came SI

They called together all those that  were free

Together this group of seven close friends

Created songs together again and again.



My car

I have a flying rug instead of a car

I thought to travel to places far

because when it starts it flys so fast

but with no light I nearly crash

And if it rains I get completely soaked

sniffing, couching and really choked

And if I leave it outside to park

It will get stolen after dark.


(traduzione curata da Freser)